
Library Cards

To apply for a library card, you will need to provide a photo I.D., your name, address, and phone number. You must be at least 5 years old to apply for a card. Parents are responsible for books taken out by minors. You must have your card with you to check out items or use the computers. Every person who has a library card is required to use their own card. We cannot check out items on another patron’s card unless they are present at the time of check out, or prior approval has been specifically given. This includes spouses and children who have their own cards. You must also have a card to use any databases/eBooks/audiobook downloads from our website.

If you have a medical condition and require someone to pick up material for you, please see us as we are happy to assist you in this matter. (We will put a note on your account of who is allowed to pick up/check out material for you).

Item Limits

  • 30 total books, audiobooks, and magazines:
    • 2-week loan period
    • Can be renewed twice as long as the item contains no holds for other patrons.
  • 3 movies:
    • 1 week loan period
    • Can be renewed twice as long as the item contains no holds for other patrons
    • There will be a $1.00 fee per item if placed in the outside dropbox.

      To renew 
      please go to the online catalog. You can renew online as long as items are not overdue. You will need to sign in with the barcode number on the back of your library card and password.

Replacement library cards cost $3.00 (the first one is free)

Overdue Material

Items are loaned out for a 2 week period with the exception of DVDs, which circulate for a week. We DO NOT charge fines on overdue materials. All we ask is for a donation to be placed in our donation container located on the return counter. By keeping material up to date, you allow easier access for patrons and make the overall library run smoothly.

There are, however, charges for overdue notices mailed through the postal system:

  • 1st notice: $2.00
  • 2nd notice: $3.00
  • 3rd notice: $5.00

If items are not returned upon receipt of the overdue notice, we may send a copy to the district judge, who according to State Law can fine you up to $300.00 and sentence you to a term of not more than 90 days:

“A person is guilty of a summary offense if he retains any book, pamphlet, magazine, newspaper, manuscript, map or other property belonging in, or to, or on deposit with, any library open to the public or any part thereof, for a period exceeding 30 days after such library has given notice to return the same.” (Section 6708 of Purdon’s Consolidated Pennsylvania Statutes Annotated, Title 18, Crimes and Offenses)

If you are going on vacation or need an item out for a longer time, please let us know as we are always willing to work with you and make your library experience an enjoyable one.

Account Suspension: Once overdue notice fees accumulate to $5.00, there are 5 items overdue on the account, or an item is more than 90 days overdue, the account is suspended until items are returned or replacement cost is paid.

DAMAGED/LOST BOOKS:  If a book is damaged in any way (water/pages torn/chewed by animal etc.) you will be responsible for the cost of the whole book including a $5.00 processing fee. We can no longer accept a replacement book.

Interlibrary Loans

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) services allow patrons to obtain materials from participating libraries throughout Pennsylvania. The Library is able to request many types of materials from these libraries, which can be checked out for use at home. In rare cases, materials provided through Interlibrary Loan will be restricted to in-library use only. Users of the Interlibrary Loan service must hold a valid Oswayo Valley Memorial Library card. The following paragraphs describe the Interlibrary Loan policy.

Overdue and Lost material charges

  1.   Lost, damaged, or stolen Interlibrary Loan materials are subject to the lending library’s rules and regulations.
  2. Upon notice that an item cannot be returned, Oswayo Valley Memorial Library staff will contact the lending library as to the charge for that material.
  3. Charges for lost or damaged materials, as well as overdue charges for Interlibrary Loan items, are the responsibility of the borrower.
  4. These charges will be reflected on the patron’s Library account and may impact his/her borrowing privileges.


  1.   The lending library determines whether or not renewals are allowed, and no renewals can be made unless the library has been given proper notice and approved the renewal.
  2. In certain cases, lending libraries will not allow renewals.

There will be a $5.00 charge for items requested but not picked up 1 week after notification that the item is available. The item will be returned to the lending library.

Inclement Weather

We will be closed if the school district (Oswayo Valley School District) we serve has closed and/or has a virtual learning day due to unsafe weather conditions. We will remain open if the school district has a virtual learning day that is not related to the weather. Any change in opening or closing will be posted on our website, Facebook page, WGRZ, WKBW, WIVB, and Solomon’s Word Blog.  When school is not in session the board members along, with the staff, will consider all factors to see if the library should close. Some instances may be impending storms, tornado warnings, fires, travel advisories, flooding, and any natural disaster in the area.

The library will close during any power outages.


Children under the age of 10 must be accompanied by an adult at all times while visiting the library.  We ask that you keep your child by you even if you are using the computers. Parents must accompany children under 10 to all programs held at the library.

Health & Safety Plan for Youth Service Programs

  • Children will be kept in the same groups each day with the same staff providers.
    Each group of children will be in separate rooms or spaces.
    Care will be taken to limit the mixing of groups of children.
    Staggered arrivals and departures using social distancing will take place.
    All staff will wear face coverings.
    Children and youth do not need to wear face coverings.


The Oswayo Valley Memorial Library makes the Internet available as part of its continuing effort to ensure that all members of the community have the right and means to free and open access to ideas and information, which is fundamental to a democracy.

Computer users must be at least 10 years old unless accompanied by a parent or guardian (see note below) **

No one can use the computer if their account has been suspended.

Users must have prior knowledge and/or experience in the use of computers. The library CANNOT provide instruction in the use of computers, printers, or software.  Librarians are available for limited assistance.

The display of sexually explicit graphics on any viewing screen is a violation of the PA Criminal Code, 18 PA C.S. 5903 and is STRICTLY prohibited.

In accordance with the State and Federal laws, the library does use filtering software programs on all computers including staff computers. This is to block access to visual depictions of obscenity, child pornography, and/or material harmful to minors.  This filter can be disabled, upon request, by the librarian for anyone over the age of 18 who needs to do bona fide research and for other lawful purposes.

In order to allow access to as many patrons as possible, computer usage is limited to 1-hour sessions.  If doing work such as projects, research, homework, etc. you have the opportunity to reserve an hour slot on one of our computers.  We will hold this slot for a maximum of 10 minutes. If you do not show up within those 10 minutes, you agree to void the reserved hour. You can renew a computer as long as there is no one else waiting.

The use of the computers is monitored by the librarians, for circulation purposes. PLEASE CHECK IN WITH THE LIBRARIAN PRIOR to using a computer.

The Library is NOT responsible for information gathered on the internet.

DO NOT save work on our computers.

NO FOOD or DRINK is allowed around the computers at any time.

Users must agree to be responsible for the equipment and materials in the event of a loss or damage. Report any problems immediately to prevent further costly damage.

To print out information, the cost is 25 cents per page. You are responsible for paying for all pages you print.

Due to the nature of these services, policies are subject to change without notice and at the library’s discretion.

User’s access to the internet and the use of the computers may be terminated for any perceived or suspected abuse of the above provisions. The library also has the right to turn any and all computer hardware over to law enforcement in the event unlawful use was suspected or perceived.  This includes unlawful use by patrons and/or employees.

If a patron does not follow the rules for computer use, the patron will lose computer privileges.

  • 1st offense – 1 week
  • 2nd offense – 1 month
  • 3rd offense – 1 year

**The internet is an unregulated global medium serving a highly diverse user population. As such, it offers access to a wealth of information that may be personally, professionally, and culturally enriching to individuals of all ages.  Conversely, it also offers access to materials that may be inaccurate, incomplete, offensive, disturbing, and/or illegal. The library offers technology protection measures focusing on blocking obscene graphic images, child pornography, and images harmful to minors but does not guarantee their effectiveness.***

We are equipped with wireless internet capabilities and patrons can bring their own laptops to use in the library. You must check-in at the desk as well as obtain a password to use our system. All rules for using the internet will still apply.

**If a patron comes in to use the computers and they are accompanied by children under 10, they must have the children with them at the computer as we ask the ALL children under 10 be supervised at all times while in the library.***

Collection Department

It is the policy of Oswayo Valley Memorial Library to adhere to the Library Bill of Rights and the Freedom to Read Statement of the American Library Association in selecting materials for its library. Specifically, in the selection of materials, the following criteria will apply:

Objective of Selection

  • To provide materials that will enrich the community, taking into consideration the varied interests, abilities, and maturity levels of the patrons served.
  • To provide materials that will stimulate growth in factual knowledge, library appreciation, aesthetic values, and ethical standards.
  • To provide materials on opposing sides of controversial issues in order for citizens to develop the practice of critical analysis of all media.
  • To provide materials representative of the many religious, ethnic and cultural groups and their contributions to our American heritage.
  • To place principle above personal opinion and objectivity above prejudice in the selection of materials of the highest quality in order to assure a comprehensive collection appropriate for the users of the library media center.

Responsibility for Selection of Materials

The Board of Trustees of the Oswayo Valley Memorial Library is legally responsible for all matters relating to the operation of the library. However, the responsibility and authority for the selection of library materials have been delegated to the Library Director.

Criteria for Selection of Library Materials

Materials will be selected to fill the informational and recreational needs of the community. These needs will be determined by the Librarian’s knowledge of the community, knowledge of the interests of the patrons, and knowledge of the existing collection.

Materials are considered on the basis of authority, scope, reliability, treatment, readability, subject interest, format, special features, potential use, and price.

Procedure for Selection of New Materials

After evaluating the existing collection, the librarian will consider reputable selection aids (e.g. Booklist, Publisher’s Weekly, etc.), patron’s suggestions, and other recommendations.

In special areas, these procedures are as follows:

Gifts are judged by basic selection standards and are accepted or rejected by these standards.

Out of date or no longer useful materials are withdrawn from the collection on a regular basis.

Challenged Materials

Despite the care taken to select valuable materials for the library, occasional objections to a selection will be made by the public.

The principles of Freedom to Read and the professional responsibility of the staff must be defended, rather than the materials.

If a complaint is made, the following procedures will be initiated:

  1. Any person (or group) objecting to a selection should submit the attached form to the Library Director.
  2. The Library Director will then review the material and respond in writing to the patron’s request. If the patron is not satisfied with the Library Director’s decision, it will then be referred to the Library Board.
  3. The President of the Library Board will appoint a committee to consult with the Librarian and the complainant and to evaluate the work in regard to its literary value and to its usefulness in fulfilling a particular need.
  4. The committee will present its report to the Board, who will make a final decision regarding the status of the work, taking into consideration the principles of Freedom to Read and the Library Bill of Rights and the literary or informative value of the whole work.

Disposal of Withdrawn Library Materials

Oswayo Valley Memorial Library disposes of materials that have been withdrawn from the collection according to the CREW method for weeding and withdrawal. Materials withdrawn from the OVML are either added to the book sale items or sent to Better World Books for resale.


“Records related to the circulation of library materials which contain the names or other personally identifying details regarding the users of the State Library or any local library which is established or maintained under any law of the Commonwealth or the library of any university, college or educational institution chartered by the Commonwealth or the library of any public school or branch reading room, deposit station or agency operated in connection therewith, shall be confidential and shall not be made available to anyone except by a court order in a criminal proceeding.”

Because the library is unable to verify with certainty the identity of a person who telephones for assistance, it is the policy of the library board to protect, as far as possible, the privacy of customers who use the library and not to make inquiry into the purpose for which a customer requests information about what a library customer is reading or requesting from the library’s collection. For example, these policies prevent a teacher from discovering what books his or her pupils are reading, they prevent a spouse from finding out if his or her partner is checking out books on divorce, child custody, or other volatile issues, and they protect library records from inquiries by local, state and federal authorities.


The Library Director is designated by the library board of directors as the “lawful custodian” of library records.

As the lawful custodian, the Library Director has directed staff to provide a parent or guardian with any information about a minor child’s record only when the parent or guardian appears in person at the library. A minor child is defined as a person less than 18 years of age. Under no circumstances shall any information be provided over the telephone.

When renewing library materials by telephone, whether for yourself or for a friend or family member, you must provide us with the library card number, and the full name of the card owner. Library staff will match and verify this information against the patron’s library record.

Library staff may renew items by telephone if you provide them with a title or due date. While they are able to tell you the number and type of overdue items and the amount of any fines, they are restricted from giving you the specific information about materials related to fines. They are also restricted from telling you during a telephone conversation specifically which titles need to be renewed, even if you are the owner of the card.


When you come to the library in person and present a library card belonging to a family member, you may check out materials and you may pay fines on that card if you have prior permission from the card owner. However, library staff cannot provide you with information about any library materials that may already be checked out on that card. At your request, the information will be mailed to the name and address listed on the library record.

When you come to the library in person, library staff will answer any questions you may have about your record. However, they may ask questions to verify that you are the owner of the card number you are requesting information on, and, occasionally, may ask you to present photo identification.

The library cannot ensure the privacy of circulation records during the process of collecting overdue materials.

Mission Statement

The Oswayo Valley Memorial Library exists to assist the residents of the Oswayo Valley in meeting their educational, informational, cultural and recreational needs.

The governing and policymaking responsibilities of the library are held by the Board of Directors. The board determines and adopts written policies to govern the operation, use and programs of the library. The board also appoints the Library Director who is charged with carrying out those policies and managing the library on a daily basis.

Child Abuse Reporting Policy

This policy is adopted to affirm the obligation of public library employees to assist in identifying suspected child abuse and to establish procedures for reporting such in compliance with the Pennsylvania Child Protective Services Law under Title 23 Pa C.S.A. Chapter 63

Child Abuse shall mean any of the following:

  1. Any recent act or failure to act by a perpetrator that causes non-accidental serious physical injury to a child under 18 years of age.
  2. Any act or failure to act by a perpetrator which causes non-accidental serious mental injury to or sexual abuse or sexual exploitation of a child under 18 years of age.
  3. Any recent act, failure to act, or series of such acts or failures to act by a perpetrator which creates an imminent risk of serious physical injury to or sexual abuse or sexual exploitation of a child under 18 years of age.
  4. Serious physical neglect by a perpetrator constituting prolonged or repeated lack of supervision or the failure to provide the essentials of life, including adequate medical care, which endangers a child’s life or development or impairs the child’s functioning.

No child shall be deemed to be physically or mentally abused based on injuries that result solely from environmental factors that are beyond the control of the parent or person responsible for the child’s welfare, such as inadequate housing, furnishings, income, clothing, and medical care.

Duty to Report

Employees who in the course of their employment, occupation, or practice of their profession come into contact with children shall report or cause a report to be made when they have reasonable cause to suspect, on the basis of their professional, or other training and experience, that a child they are aware of in their professional or official capacity is an abused child.

Privileged communication between any professional person required to report and the client of that person shall not apply to situations involving child abuse and shall not constitute grounds for failure to report.

Any person required to report suspected child abuse who, in good faith, reports or causes the report to be made shall have immunity from civil and criminal liability related to those actions.

A person or official required to report a case of suspected child abuse who willfully fails to do so commits a misdemeanor of the third degree for the first violation and a misdemeanor of the second degree for a second or subsequent violation.

Reporting Procedures

Oral reports of suspected child abuse shall immediately be made by telephone to

ChildLine at (800) 932-0313. Oral reports may also be made to the Potter County Children and Youth Services at (800)800-2560 or (814)544-7315. 

Within 48 hours of reporting to ChildLine, the employee shall make a written report on forms provided by the Department of Public Welfare (Report of Suspected Child Abuse [CY-47]) to the Potter County Children and Youth Services, 62 North Street, Roulette, PA 16746.


Employees shall cooperate with the Department of Public Welfare or the county children and youth agency investigating a report of child abuse, including permitting authorized personnel to interview the child while in attendance.

Employees required to report cases of suspected child abuse may take or cause to be taken photographs of the child who is the subject and, if clinically indicated, cause to be performed a radiological examination and other medical tests on the child. Medical summaries or reports of the photographs, x-rays, and relevant medical tests are taken shall be sent to the county children and youth agency at the time the report is sent, or as soon thereafter as possible. The county children and youth agency shall have access to actual photographs or duplicates and x-rays and may obtain them or duplicates of them upon request.


  • All staff, new employees, and board members (starting January 1, 2015) must submit to a Pennsylvania Criminal Background Check, Childline Child Abuse Clearance, and FBI Criminal Background Check. All new employees must complete and submit clearances prior to commencement of employment.
  • Pennsylvania Criminal Background Checks, Childline Child Abuse Clearances, and FBI Criminal Background Checks will be conducted every five years on all permanent employees and board members.
  • All checks and clearances will be paid for by the employee.
  • Volunteers, who in the course of their duties at the library interact with children, will be required to pass a Criminal Background Check and Child Abuse Clearance. (Volunteers who are not required to obtain the FBI Clearance because they are applying for an unpaid position and have been a continuous resident of Pennsylvania for the past 10 years must swear or affirm in writing that they are not disqualified from service based upon a conviction of an offense under §6344).
  • Adults or youth who have been convicted of or are currently under suspicion of either sexual or physical abuse of a minor, or who have a history of inappropriate conduct involving a minor, may not interact with minors in any library sponsored event or activity.

Revised 2/26/2019
Revised 2/2020